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Globe Sustainability Academy to propel suppliers towards sustainable development


Globe Sustainability Academy

Following the success of its internal Sustainability Academy, Globe has extended a dedicated bespoke learning platform for its supply chain as part of its strategic commitment to sustainable development. The learning sessions are designed to equip its supply chain, especially the micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), with foundational ESG principles and practices, with the goal of collectively creating a positive and greater impact on society.

Currently, only publicly-listed companies in the Philippines are mandated by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to measure and monitor their contributions towards achieving global sustainability targets. On the other hand, MSMEs, according to the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), account for 99.59% of total business establishments in the Philippines. This prompted Globe to engage and enable its MSME suppliers in the shift towards sustainability.


Globe piloted the Globe Sustainability Academy for Supply Chain through the SME Sustainability Accelerator of the Makati Business Club (MBC), a private non-profit business association in the Philippines that aims to promote the role of the business sector in national development efforts. This program is also a joint effort with the Center for International and Private Enterprise (CIPE) and SustainablePH. The Center for International and Private Enterprise (CIPE) works towards strengthening global democracy through private enterprises and market-oriented reforms. Meanwhile, SustainablePH is a volunteer-led organization committed to raising sustainability leaders in the country.


“To be able to fully support the country’s sustainable development, we will need all hands on deck. We want our suppliers to be knowledgeable and equipped with basic sustainability principles and ESG practices. Some suppliers might not be aware that they are already practicing some sustainability programs, and Globe is here to help and guide them towards that journey,” said Yoly Crisanto, Chief Sustainability and Corporate Communications Officer at the Globe Group.


In the pilot program, five local MSMEs, representing various sectors including printing services, advertising materials, telecom subscriber line installation, facility maintenance, and civil works, received the training.


The training covered topics such as foundational knowledge on sustainability; circularity; diversity, equity, inclusion; belonging (DEIB); anti-corruption; and the importance of sustainability reporting. The ensuing steps require trainees to disseminate their acquired knowledge within their organizations and to embed Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) metrics into their business strategies.


“The sustainability academy is an integral part of our sustainable supply chain engagement program as this underscores our commitment to responsible supply chain governance by encouraging our partners to share in this commitment,” said Jerry Cabiles, Globe Vice President of Supply Chain.


The establishment of the Globe Sustainability Academy for Supply Chain marks one of Globe’s strategic moves toward sustainable development. This upskilling  program, along with the recently updated Supplier Code of Ethics and new Sustainable Supply Chain Policy Commitment, highlights Globe’s mission to establish a sustainable supply chain and encourages suppliers to join in this collective effort towards sustainability.


For more information and updates on Globe's sustainability initiatives, please visit

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