Philippines Enhances ICT Index Ranking Yet Remains Behind Globally

Philippines Enhances ICT Index Ranking Yet Remains Behind Globally

#Globe Telecom acknowledges the Philippines’ progress in the recent ICT Development Index by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and advocates for increased cooperation to eliminate connectivity obstacles. Despite this progress, the Philippines still falls short of the global average, trailing its Southeast Asian counterparts.


The 2024 ITU index, published by the UN’s specialized agency, gave the Philippines a score of 74.4, marking a 14% improvement from the previous year. However, this score is still below the global average of 74.8 and significantly lower than Southeast Asian nations such as Singapore (97.8), Malaysia (95.0), and Thailand (91.0).

The Philippines’ score ranks it among the bottom five in the region, only surpassing Cambodia (72.6), Laos (65.3), Myanmar (63.8), and Timor-Leste (39.2).

Ernest Cu, Globe President and CEO, expressed optimism about the potential for further improvement in the global ICT Development Index. He emphasized the need for all stakeholders, including industry players and the government, to collaborate more closely to address the persistent gaps in the country’s connectivity infrastructure.

Cu stressed that the private sector has invested billions in ICT development, but it cannot achieve the desired results alone. Overcoming the barriers requires strong collaboration among the industry, government, and other stakeholders.

Investing More in ICT

Cu reiterated the need for more significant investments in digital infrastructure. The private sector has invested a combined PHP 640 billion over three years (2021-2023) to enhance the country’s connectivity infrastructure quality.

Globe alone has invested Php 265 billion in capital expenditure and Php 236 billion in operational expenses over the past three years to improve its network capabilities.

In contrast, the Department of Information and Communications Technology has only invested Php 7.6 billion in internet infrastructure from 2018 to 2024.

The Private Sector Advisory Council, initiated by Malacañang, has urged the government to allocate at least Php 240 billion to enhance internet infrastructure and collaborate with the private sector to construct 35,000 new cell sites nationwide.

The Connectivity Plan Task Force (CPTF), led by Cu under the PSAC, is also collaborating with the DICT to deploy connectivity infrastructure in Geographically Isolated and Disadvantaged Areas (GIDAs). Globe’s network currently extends to over 500 GIDAs.

Policy Reform

Globe has also reiterated its call for policy reform to enable connectivity to thrive. These reforms include providing space for telco infrastructure in housing developments and eliminating lease fees for telco infrastructure in buildings and developments through amendments to the outdated National Building Code (1977). Bills seeking this reform are still pending in Congress.

Cu stated that telcos should not be charged for installing infrastructure inside buildings and developments that provide connectivity, which is now a basic necessity like power and water. It is a life enabler, supporting commerce, people’s livelihood, education, and leisure needs.

Globe also anticipates the full implementation of Executive Order No. 32, issued in 2023, to streamline the permitting process for telco infrastructure. Globe notes how certain local government units still find ways to circumvent the order, making the approval of permits difficult and slow for telcos.

Broadband Access

Despite policy gaps that hinder connectivity, Globe continues to find ways to make broadband connection more affordable for Filipinos.

Last year, Globe launched GFiber Prepaid, which aims to democratize connectivity by offering fiber-strong broadband connection for as low as Php 33/day. In line with Globe’s drive for digital inclusion, GFiber Prepaid offers flexible and reloadable UNLI internet access with no lock-ups and monthly bills.

Globe also anticipates the implementation of the government’s National Broadband Plan, which aims to provide free WiFi connectivity across the country. This project involves the development of a neutral fiber backbone to provide connectivity for government agencies and government-led last mile projects.


  1. What is the ICT Development Index? The ICT Development Index is a global benchmarking tool used to measure the overall progress of countries towards becoming information societies.

  2. What is Globe’s role in improving the Philippines’ ICT index standing? Globe Telecom has invested heavily in enhancing its network capabilities and advocates for increased cooperation among stakeholders to eliminate connectivity obstacles.

  3. What is the Connectivity Plan Task Force (CPTF)? The CPTF is a body led by Globe’s CEO under the Private Sector Advisory Council, working with the Department of Information and Communications Technology to deploy connectivity infrastructure in Geographically Isolated and Disadvantaged Areas (GIDAs).

  4. What is GFiber Prepaid? GFiber Prepaid is a service launched by Globe to democratize connectivity by offering affordable, fiber-strong broadband connection with flexible and reloadable UNLI internet access.

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